Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Words Of The Soul

Never underestimate the power of words for they are your thoughts which tell the story of your soul. You think what you feel and your emotions are key to who you are. Feelings are powerful. Thoughts are powerful. We have to be careful of what we think. I think what we all fail to realize is everything about life is spiritual. Spirit is constant revolving energy that we can not touch, smell, taste, hear, or see. Its beyond our understanding, its pure. Its who and what we are without control. The closest we can get to understanding it is by our thoughts and feelings because like spirit we can't physically understand them.

As I grow I come to learn and understand that life revolves around faith. Faith is where all strength lies. Faith keeps us going. Faith is hope! Who are we without hope? You see everyone has dreams but without faith that you can reach them those dreams begin to taunt us. You ever see someone who only talks about what could have been and what it was. They've given up, lost hope.

Some how this blog post has went into a many of directions that I wasn't aiming for. My intent was to tell you to mind your thoughts of self and others. Words can either be medicine or poison. Be careful of the words you use and speak. Fix within of what you think of yourself so that you may think better of others. Your words are your thoughts and people judge you based on what you say and for good reason. Your words define who you are. So be selective of your words because they are the definition of you.