Monday, July 11, 2011

Teenager again!!!!

Yesterday July 10, was my oldest son's birthday. He is officially 13 years old. It seems like just yesterday I was a teenager but truth be told really I was. I had my son when I was nothing but a teenager myself. I've had quite the journey since then but honestly having my boys was very worth it. My sons are a blessing in disguise.

Anywho my oldest is a multifaceted child. He plays an instrument, he's smart, funny, charismatic and athletic. He is really a well rounded child and I couldn't be more proud. So now he is a teenager and I'm sure its about to get hella hard. Being that I was a teenage mom all I want is the best for my children. I want to help eliminate as many life world blocks as possible. I plan to stay supportive of whatever he plans to do.

Everyday I appreciate my children more because I have them. More and more I have come across women who can't and never had children. Their lives are completely different. They seem to always talk like they are missing something and honestly I can understand. These boys bring such joy and fulfillment to my life. They give my life a meaning. Parenting may be hard but I swear they make it worth it. Happy Birthday to the first person who really changed my life, my son, Justis Barrett!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Last Night I Released

Okay lets recap before I get into the title of this blog post. First off I haven't blogged in about 3 months. Not because I haven't wanted to but I've been quite lazy honestly. I don't have the luxury ofiInternet in my home and I just didn't make the time to do it at work. Well I mean technically at work you should be working and not working on your personal blog. Not to mention just recently within this time frame I've moved twice, once from MI and again to get settled into the apartment I'm in now. So as you can see I've had my hands full dealing with life.

Now back to "Last Night I Released." Since moving to Atlanta I've had the opportunity be around what I love Music does something to me that I can't describe. One of my favorite events I attend is The Release which occurs twice a month. The Release gives independent artists a stage for their voice. It gives us the opportunity to know about not just the talent that exist but mingle with the artists themselves. Although I love a beautiful voice, I more so appreciate the musician behind them.

In my upcoming blogs I want to share my appreciation for the likes of musicians such as Bryan-Michael Cox, Ryan Kilgore, Terrell Sass, Chris Moten, Henry Conerway III, Brandon A. Thomas and so much more. I still will talk about the many talented vocalist such as Mylah Windham, Rahbi, Victor Jackson, Amber Iman, Chantae Cann, Desmond Sean, and many many more. I support these artists by buying their album or attending their shows and I encourage you to do the same. Support these people because this is their lively hood and they had the guts to follow their dreams. Don't you want to be part of helping them come true? Wouldn't you want someone to do that for you? Last Night I attended "The Release" and next time you should too!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Not Proud Of It!!!

I've noticed that pretty much I've been doing one blog post a month. I'm not proud of it. I enjoy blogging and would love to be more consistent. Lately my life has been on full throttle (on a low scale of course). I'm going through some serious transitions for the better. For starters one of my major factors is as of February 24, 2011 I moved back to Atlanta, GA. This is HUGE for me. I love this place and honestly I felt like I was home the moment I hit that border. Also 2 weeks later March 10, 2011 I celebrated my son's 10th birthday as well as my first day on my new job as a Purchaser. So as you can see, I've been living. I will say that I FINALLY have a laptop so I shall be doing more posting. However, I'm not going to lie to you. I'm still trying to figure out what direction or lane am I going in for my blog.

For starters, I'm not a writer as so many people proclaim to be. I have no special talents or abilities nor do I pretend to. I don't like revealing anything too personal. I'm not flashy nor do I hang with the "who's who" of the world. Oh and I have zero interest in being a groupie or stalking celebrities. Also I've notice that negative energy tends to get the most energy like bashing people or things trying to be clever or catchy. I have no interest in that either. Hmmm, so is there any suggestions? LOL

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Words Of The Soul

Never underestimate the power of words for they are your thoughts which tell the story of your soul. You think what you feel and your emotions are key to who you are. Feelings are powerful. Thoughts are powerful. We have to be careful of what we think. I think what we all fail to realize is everything about life is spiritual. Spirit is constant revolving energy that we can not touch, smell, taste, hear, or see. Its beyond our understanding, its pure. Its who and what we are without control. The closest we can get to understanding it is by our thoughts and feelings because like spirit we can't physically understand them.

As I grow I come to learn and understand that life revolves around faith. Faith is where all strength lies. Faith keeps us going. Faith is hope! Who are we without hope? You see everyone has dreams but without faith that you can reach them those dreams begin to taunt us. You ever see someone who only talks about what could have been and what it was. They've given up, lost hope.

Some how this blog post has went into a many of directions that I wasn't aiming for. My intent was to tell you to mind your thoughts of self and others. Words can either be medicine or poison. Be careful of the words you use and speak. Fix within of what you think of yourself so that you may think better of others. Your words are your thoughts and people judge you based on what you say and for good reason. Your words define who you are. So be selective of your words because they are the definition of you.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Comfort Of Home Can Be The Death Of You

I will be the first to admit that I'm a home body. I love being in my own space, under a warm blanket, ooh with a cup of milk and chocolate chip cookies yum. However this combination of things is a recipe for obesity and depression which for me is too close to home and unacceptable. I won't say that you can't "meet" anyone from home because thanks to the Internet anything is possible. Hell just recently I've met an exceptional man whose laptop I'm using right now to write this blog; but before I drift anymore off topic because I can seriously talk about him for at least another two paragraphs (you know how it is when things are fresh), my point is that's not excuse enough to stay in the house.

Realistically if you have goals, you aren't going to reach them by sitting around your house. Yeah okay you say, 'but I'm in school and I come home to study' or 'my job has me working X amount of hours.' Now you see that, those are EXCUSES, which a lot of people like to confuse and mix up with REASONS. See reasons are legitimate obstacles as to why you couldn't at that particular time do something versus excuses are the reason you never get anything done. Do you see that difference? If you don't, its probably because you're one of those people who make excuses. Now back to these goals, I was raised with the saying "its not what you know, but who you know." Keyword is that common phrase is "WHO" meaning you have to know someone. You aren't meeting these 'someones' in the "comfort of your own home." You meet these someones by getting out and being social or active.

Life can be overwhelming trust me I know, but you aren't making anything easier by hiding from it. Get out there and get in the game. You aren't fooling anyone but yourself. Don't want to believe that's fine, I'm only here to give you my opinion based from my own personal experience. I'm not the kind of individual to talk on something that I myself haven't been through or tried. That would be considered ignorance which I wants no part of. But hey, you do what makes you "happy" and I'm going to continue doing me. I will try to be the example of my own advice. Keep reading my blog and watch my progression :)

Psssst.....I'm Baaaaacccckkkk

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Hi all, so I know you're thinking yep she started a blog but didn't stick it out and follow through. I guess in a way you would be right but let me explain. See the big issue is my computer died on me in September which oddly enough is a month after my mother died. No I do not talk about it, not only do I not talk about it but I don't even have pictures up. Just not ready to handle it really. I'm genuinely a happy person and I can't really feed into sadness. So I choose to avoid it altogether until I'm ready. Okay so as you can see, I have a lot on my plate. However since September I have been back and forth to what I consider my real home, Atlanta. I'm really missing it there. I love the friends that I consider family there. So trust me when I say I will have a lot more to blog about real soon. I'm ambitious and unfortunately I've put way to much of that in people who don't appreciate it anymore. Not anymore, from here on out its about me and my lil fellas.

So why is this called peek-a-boo, well because I'm just checking in but I'm not ready to be consistent as of yet. I can't wait till I get an actual computer of my own again. Until then I will peek in and out of my blog from time to time. Hang in there with me. ;-)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Much needed break

So I realize that I've been gone but that don't mean I've given up. I will be the first to admit that I have been guilty of starting things and not finishing them. Over time as you age, you start to feel guilty about it and if you don't than you should. I understand in life that you have to experiment to find what's right for you but at some point in your life you need to stick something through rather its for you or not. 

So over this past month I've experienced a lot. My life has had a few bumps and bruises as well as some beautiful moments. You have to take it all in. I choose to not go extra personal in my blog but I'm dealing with it. I did learn a few things. Never underestimate the mind for it is very powerful. Also if you don't have friends get some because life is lonely without them. My life has been amazing because of the friends that I have that embrace me and care for me when life throws you curve balls.

This is a short blog today cause I'm just happy to be back blogging. I'm going to gather my thoughts and have many things to share in the near future. There is excitement to come people. In the words of Mary J. "Share My World"