Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Comfort Of Home Can Be The Death Of You

I will be the first to admit that I'm a home body. I love being in my own space, under a warm blanket, ooh with a cup of milk and chocolate chip cookies yum. However this combination of things is a recipe for obesity and depression which for me is too close to home and unacceptable. I won't say that you can't "meet" anyone from home because thanks to the Internet anything is possible. Hell just recently I've met an exceptional man whose laptop I'm using right now to write this blog; but before I drift anymore off topic because I can seriously talk about him for at least another two paragraphs (you know how it is when things are fresh), my point is that's not excuse enough to stay in the house.

Realistically if you have goals, you aren't going to reach them by sitting around your house. Yeah okay you say, 'but I'm in school and I come home to study' or 'my job has me working X amount of hours.' Now you see that, those are EXCUSES, which a lot of people like to confuse and mix up with REASONS. See reasons are legitimate obstacles as to why you couldn't at that particular time do something versus excuses are the reason you never get anything done. Do you see that difference? If you don't, its probably because you're one of those people who make excuses. Now back to these goals, I was raised with the saying "its not what you know, but who you know." Keyword is that common phrase is "WHO" meaning you have to know someone. You aren't meeting these 'someones' in the "comfort of your own home." You meet these someones by getting out and being social or active.

Life can be overwhelming trust me I know, but you aren't making anything easier by hiding from it. Get out there and get in the game. You aren't fooling anyone but yourself. Don't want to believe that's fine, I'm only here to give you my opinion based from my own personal experience. I'm not the kind of individual to talk on something that I myself haven't been through or tried. That would be considered ignorance which I wants no part of. But hey, you do what makes you "happy" and I'm going to continue doing me. I will try to be the example of my own advice. Keep reading my blog and watch my progression :)

Psssst.....I'm Baaaaacccckkkk

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