Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I'm Addicted To Crack!!!

So its been 1 year and about 4 months since my last perm. However, I'm not sure just how much longer I can hold out. I know a lot of us have seen the Chris Rock movie "Good Hair" and all the horrible things that was said about our little chemical friend. So with that I'm about to come at you like one of our everyday herbal friends (weed head) on why its okay for me to use perm. No one gives off a better bullshit debate than a "Herbal Head" *sigh*

On that note we'll start this argument off with "I can stop anytime I want" then follow it with "I just use it for the convenience of work." Next I'm gone compare it to pressing your hair and flat ironing it and say how excessive heat isn't good for  your hair either and for those who grow dreads they have to cut their hair off and start over to change it up. Of course I have to point out how financially its cheaper than wearing wigs and weaves. Last but not least this wouldn't be a foolish argument without throwing in "GOD" so if he didn't want us to have or use perm he wouldn't have let man invent it...Now with that I'm done...LOL
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Well i have been off of the "crack" for about a year now also, My mother presses my hair, and to be honest i would rather the pressing, only thing i hate when she gets to the corner of my head... it burns:-((im scared of the heat.)I would never do dreads, the people i have came acrooss, they stink....LOl i mean really stinky, i tried the weave for awhile, and the wigs for a minute, i cant stand for my hair to be hot....(wigs). so im going with pressing:-)

  2. Pressing isn't so bad but man oh man the way it looks after the slightest bit of sweat and I hate having that hot comb to close to my head to. I can actually do a perm yearly cause it lasts in my hair just after that it gets a lil George in the Jungle'ish LOL
