Monday, July 26, 2010

Stop Blaming Monday

Monday for most Americans is the start of the work week which is why it has such a bad reputation. However, just like everything else in life, its all in the matter of how you choose to look at it. Personally I think its totally unfair the way Monday has been judged. I mean is it Monday's fault that you hate your job, absolutely not. Monday should be looked at as an opportunity to go to work starting fresh and revived from the weekend. Monday should be the day you tell yourself, this week is the week I get that promotion, close this deal, complete that project, or make this killer presentation. I mean is it Monday's fault that you have a job and not a career, or that you didn' follow your dreams. NO!!! Monday didn't tell you to get complacent at your job, drop out of school, or stay up partying all night Sunday.

I say lets stop this vicious cycle of hating Monday. Lets teach our children that the start of something is just as important as the finish. We don't want them starting school feeling defeated before the first bell. I say if you can't do what you love than love what you do. Or at the least don't bring me down with your depressing vibes. Quit and get another job and if you can't do that than just put up and shut up. At the end of the day not only are you getting on my nerves but your also driving your own self into a depression with your negative thoughts.


A fan and friend of Monday ^_^

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