Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thirsty Thursday

Okay so I've decided to call my Thursday blog entries 'Thirsty Thursday' because its the wrap of the week for me. I guess you could compare doing a blog to doing a column so it should be some structure so that your audience can understand your flow. Originally I though I would blog 5 days a week but that's too much considering I'm a full time mom, part-time college student, and I work a regular 9-5 so this "therapeutic" blog can not become a new piece of responsibility on my plate. I'm doing this to release not burden so M-Th it will be.

Now where was I? Oh yeah 'Thirsty Thursday' which is titled that for a numerous of reasons but don't get attached to the title cause that may change but its all I could come up with for the moment. One of the reasons I call it thirsty is because of the weekly drinks I will be introducing to the audience that I would like to try and the other reasons you will have to come back for :-p

This weeks drink are:

49er Gold Rush shot

Drink Ingredients:
1/2 oz Cinnamon schnapps (Goldschlager)
1/2 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo)
Pour in tequila, and cinnamon schnapps in a shot glass (chilled, to your advantage).
And for those who would like something to sip on, may I suggest....
A Gilligan Island
Drink Ingredients:
1 oz Vodka
1 oz Peach schnapps
3 oz Orange juice
3 oz Cranberry juice
Shaken, not stirred!
Yummy, Enjoy!!!
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